
Azure Integration Platform as a Service (iPaas)

Introduction From old days, enterprise system integration is one of the key challenge that many companies are facing, when it comes to providing better end-user experience. There are so much of enterprise integration platforms in the market to face these challenges.  Like so much else today, those platforms have been moved from on-premises data-centers into the public cloud as cloud computing providing higher-level of services that can be rapidly provisioned with minimal management effort, often over the Internet. Rather than using traditional integration technologies such as BizTalk Server, more and more organizations are using integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) solutions. So that they don't need to buy whole product or server platform and can pay for service that they use. The company Gartner, which does independent analysis of software tools, has identified Microsoft Azure iPaas as one of the leaders in iPaas offerings. Below figure is taken from the article that t

How far ALM solutions can benefit the product owner

Introduction  Product owners primary responsibility is for communicating with stakeholders across the board, including customers, business managers and the development team to make sure that the goals are clear and the vision is aligned with business objectives. When Transforming customer’s and stakeholder’s ideas into tangible product deliverables, product owner may face to certain challenges. For facing some of the challenges by Product Owner require some soft skills like be a trustable person for  every stakeholders. But he/she can face to other challenges with help of some tools and products. Those challenges are: Requirements Management Role of product owner is to take ownership of all the requirements of his project and manage them. Those requirements could be either functional or non-functional requirements. While some of the stakeholders of the project focusing on functional requirements, other may focus on non-functional requirements. Therefore, the Product Owner must